To see how Minerva Cuevas dips into the commercial past of chocolate for her Feast and Famine installation view the video at art21.
To see how Minerva Cuevas dips into the commercial past of chocolate for her Feast and Famine installation view the video at art21.
Jimmie Durham & Haegue Yang talk in an all in-conversation exclusively for kurimanzutto's Art Basel: Pioneers Online Viewing Room.
Watch a selection of Jimmie Durham video performances.
MOCA’s online platform for experimental film and video art will highlight the work of Mexican artist Damián Ortega with SCREEN: Damián Ortega’s Moby Dick.
A River Waits Reply is a selection of videos developed by seven artistic organizations from different countries in order to present videos from various parts of the world as a poetic response to this unprecedented year.
La dimensión deconstruida, puppet sex show by Romeo Gómez López (Ciudad de México, 1991) for SEXplay by Salón Silicón at Siembra.
Artists Rirkrit Tiravanija and Tomas Vu, longtime collaborators, join host Yasi Alipour for New Social Environment #55 to discuss what art can do for and in situations that arise around the persistent violence of the United States.
Fake News was the first online exhibition in Galeria Habana preseted in real time through the social media accounts of Galeria Habana and Wilfredo Prieto.
Introducing a range of artists, curators, and thinkers, this new initiative by aspen art museum focuses on how perception, creation, and community are being shaped by our various current geographical locations.
Watch the online conversation with renowned artist and activist Jimmie Durham and culture advisor Michela Bondardo published by the National Arts Club.
Watch the conversation presented by America's Society where Iñaki Bonillas talks from his house about his work and his latest exhibition at Nordenhake Gallery in Berlin during the Covid-19 quarantine.
Watch again the conversation organized by Art Basel in which global director Marc Spiegler discusses with gallerists Emanuel Layr, José Kuri, Lorraine Kiang Malingue and Lisa Spellman on how the Covid-19 and its associated shutdown affected galleries across the world.
Watch the conversation published by America's Society with Mariana Castillo Deball where she talks about her work from her studio in Berlin during Covid-19 quarantine.
Watch Donna Haraway's conference Carrier Bags for Worlding debut at kurimanzutto Mexico City during Index Art Book Fair.
Watch the video published by the Tate about Roman Ondak's piece Measuring the Universe.
Watch the video of the performance filmed during Abraham Cruzvillegas' exhibition Autorreconstrucción: Social Tissue at Kunsthaus Zürich.
The film REALIDAD was taken alongside my photographic documentation of a series of sculptures and cigarette-drawings made by Sarah Lucas, for an exhibition to be installed among the pre-hispanic artefacts of Anahuacalli - the studio - museum - temple - built for Diego Rivera …a volcano of a building - in mass and inner darkness.