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video: donna haraway - carrier bags for worlding

Donna Haraway's conference Carrier Bags for Worlding debuted at kurimanzutto Mexico during the last Index Art Book Fair in January 2020, thanks to the collaboration of the fair's team with the ENES Morelia. It brought us closer to her thinking by unveiling her experiences and storytelling techniques. Haraway discussed the complexities of human connection, migration, and the implication these bring to movements in ecology and human development.


As an introduction to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of #EarthDay on April 22, we share the full conference as food for thought along with antidotes to social distancing anxiety. We hope you enjoy Donna Haraway and celebrating the Earth!





This conference was possible thanks to the collaboration between Index Art Book Fair and ENES Morelia in Mexico.


Camera: Alejandro Mejía Islas and Lucía Peñaloza Lazcano

Thanks to: Index Art Book Fair, UNAM, ENES Unidad Morelia and MUCA Roma