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Apichatpong Weerasethakul participates in Postillion Convention Centre WTC in Rotterdam with her exhibition sleepcinemahotel

A serene, immersive film environment where falling asleep is allowed: that’s one way to describe Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s SLEEPCINEMAHOTEL, a unique one-off project during IFFR 2018. During the first week of the festival, the Staal room in the Postillion Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam will be converted into an immersive film experience that functions as a temporary hotel. In this dormitory – beds, hammocks, showers and breakfast included – hypnagogic images will be projected around the clock. Guests who stay overnight and daytime visitors alike are transported to Weerasethakul’s preferred plane of existence: one where sleep and film, ghosts and imagination, the past and the present collide.