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Roman Ondak participates in Base/ Progetti Per l'arte in Florence with her exhibition Objects In The Mirror

BASE / Progetti per l'Arte, presents the first Roman Ondak exhibition in Florence on Wednesday, March 14th, which, after the Richard Long exhibition, relaunches the special program of exhibitions for its twentieth year of activity. The intervention entitled Objects in the Mirror, created specifically for the non-profit space of BASE, confirms the interest of the famous Slovak neo-conceptual artist to create unprecedented experiences with which to shift the public's attention on the methods of discovery, perception and practice both of reality and of the experience of art.

Objects in the Mirror is the project conceived by Roman Ondak for the Base´s architectural box and for the public who practices that context. On this occasion, his displacing and regenerative approach focused on the presence of the glass door and the window of the place. These two elements strongly characterize the space making it visually accessible to the observer also from the road and vice versa, leaving it at the same time at a safe distance beyond the glass. The title, as specified by the artist himself, derives from: "Objects in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear". This is the phrase that in some countries must be engraved by law on the rear-view mirrors of cars. The safety warning urges the driver to pay attention to the fact that such a convex mirror makes the objects reflected in it look smaller ". The artist, creating a surreal and concrete, immaterial and engaging situation, focuses attention on the re-formulation of the interaction modes of the subject with a world made global by electronic communications and that appears, potentially, within a click. But his is not a criticism of the system, but a reflection on the mechanisms that feed it.