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press: bárbara sánchez kane, mexico city fall 2022

Since founding her label in 2016, Bárbara Sánchez-Kane has defied conventions of fashion, art, gender, and the Mexican status quo. Her idiosyncrasy has put the brand on the radar of many at a national and international level; it has come to stand for Mexican camp.

Six years in, Sánchez-Kane-isms include the brand’s motto, Macho Sentimental; absurdity and chaos; impulses, both sexual and creative; and the body as canvas. All these leitmotifs were present in the new collection. Sánchez-Kane presented it at the Kurimanzutto Gallery in Mexico City, where she also exhibits her artwork, before an audience asked to dress entirely in black. “You will be an important part of the piece,” the invitation read. Yes, a piece—not a collection. For Sánchez-Kane there’s no dividing line between art and fashion; it’s all a symbiosis that satisfies her need to create.