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exhibition | oscar murillo: the flooded garden

Uniqlo Tate Play: Oscar Murillo: The flooded garden


This summer, artist Oscar Murillo transforms the Turbine Hall into an enormous painting garden. The artist invites everyone to take part in creating a vibrant work of epic proportions. 

The flooded garden is inspired by Claude Monet’s paintings of his flower garden in Giverny, France, and builds upon Murillo’s own series of Surge works. For inspiration, works from this series are on display in the South Tank, featuring expressive oil paint flowing across their surfaces, like water. Like the artist, the public will use deep hues of blue, bright yellows and pinks to create this collaborative piece of art.

Murillo often paints over words, etchings, and debris from his studio, covering them with his own marks. The audience will do the same, painting over thousands of drawings, marks and words contributed by people of all ages from around the world and local community groups at Tate Modern.

As part of The flooded garden, performances will take part at Tate Modern with music and movement. Every Wednesday the Turbine Hall will be filled with the sounds of Mar, Río y Cordillera, a group from the Valle del Cauca region of Colombia. On August 1st, a group of international performers will activate Murillo’s installation in the South Tank.


+ info about Oscar Murillo 

+ info about The Flooded Garden