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audio: mariana castillo deball - fatalismo mágico: ópera sobre el deseo y la nostalgia en cuatro actos

Carlos Sandoval / Mariana Castillo Deball


San Lorenzo Tlacoyucan, Milpa Alta, Ciudad de México, 2018


You can count days, weeks, and full moons: but you also count beans and pennies. The size of a tortilla can be calculated by the amount of dough that fits in your hand and you can measure a house with the extension of your own arms. Beyond metaphors and documents, there is knowledge that escapes language, because it has been protected by the body, and has been silently transmitted and transformed with time. 

Landscape is not only a stage for events to take place, but also the protagonist. It’s the place where rain is expected, where the sun rises and the afternoon falls, it’s the place where shade doesn’t exist. Fatalismo Mágico parts from four characters that move on four different routes: each of them has a specific knowledge that is related to the environment, but at the same time they all share an integrative, almost symbiotic approach to it. The morilleros, the oracle tortillera, the sweeper and the yerbero can measure, heal, interpret and read. Each one of the characters travels its own landscape-route. The audio presented here is the voyage of four different characters in the landscapes they inhabit.


Barrendera. La basura de oro (overture) Doña Maura Leticia Melo Aranda


Morilleros. El caballo morillero (recitative) Antonio Morales González y Juan Vázquez Valencia


Morilleros. El tapanco que nos queda (chorus) Antonio Morales González y Juan Vázquez Valencia


Morilleros. Plática sobre la cimbra (chorus) Antonio Morales González y Juan Vázquez Valencia.


Yerbero. La cueva de San Pablocan (duo) Don Juan Pérez Rodríguez acompañado por su hija Guadalupe.


Oráculo de las tortillas. El futuro se le infló, cómase sus tortillas (duo) Rosa María Puebla.