Abraham Cruzvillegas presents Jérôme Bel, a performance by French choreographer Jérôme Bel that he considers an “auto-bio-choreo-graphy." In the piece, the author tells the origins of his inspiration and the fundamental aspects of his work over the years, where the personal is linked to the artistic and political. The text communicates his doubts, commitments, aspirations and failures. For this presentation, Cruzvillegas will interpret the text –translated into Spanish by Gabriela Jauregui– and incorporate linguistic twists and local voices from Mexican Spanish.
The format of the piece responds to the principle adopted by Bel’s dance company, which is to reduce the ecologic impact of each performance. Bel's company does not travel by plane to present their pieces and this specific work is always reinterpreted by a local performer in the language of the country where it is shown. Nothing new has been created nor rented for this staging. The objects used in the performance already exist at the gallery and the projected images are the documentation of previous works by Bel. The guiding principle of the piece is to employ the minimum resources possible.
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