kurimanzutto is pleased to announce Reforma Fiscal 2007 solo show by Gabriel Kuri.
A huge three-dimensional graphic welcomes the spectator. Instead of a demonstration of numbers or hard facts data, its peaks and valleys are used to contain a variety of materials and commodity articles. Even though these materials seem to be ordered in an arbitrary manner, they somehow suggest a scale values and hierarchies. This mountain/ edification or landscape of information, lends its downhills, angles, and intervals to the conjugation of the state, or the possible state of things.
With the tension created between the chaos or the subordination between forms, Kuri suggests how a scale of values (symbolic and economic) obeys capricious factors and circumstances in its way towards the social sphere.
The reform proposed by Kuri with this large scale work as well as with a new group of sculptures, is, at the same time, an urgency for renovation, well as a strict formal exercise, in which straight lines and hard supports negotiate with oblique forms and soft data.
To accompany this exhibition, Roma Publications (Amsterdam) prepared the book Tillaga Ad Skataaetlum Suggested Taxation Scheme Reforma Fiscal, an essay of images and text by Jessica Morgan.
Gabriel Kuri (Mexico City 1970)
He studied at Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas, Mexico (1988-92) and Goldsmiths’ College, London (1993-95). In the time from 1987-1991 he was active in Gabriel Orozco's workshop. Solo exhibitions include: Le Magasin Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble France, Museo de las Artes Guadalajara, kurimanzutto México, Galeria Franco Noero de Torino Italy and Govett Brewster Art Gallery in New Zeland. He has also exhibited widely in international group shows, most recently State of Play at the Serpentine Gallery in London, Interludes at the L Venice Biennale, The Minimalist Influence, Museum Contemporary Art of San Diego, and Escultura Mexicana del siglo 20 Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City.