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the campus: An abandoned school becomes a canvas for art galleries

In a spirit of cooperation, six midsize art galleries are extending their reach beyond Manhattan with the purchase of a sprawling abandoned school in Columbia County, N.Y., that will be inaugurated as a new exhibition platform called the Campus on June 29.

The galleries Bortolami, James Cohan, Kaufmann Repetto, Anton Kern, Andrew Kreps and kurimanzutto pooled their resources to buy the low-slung 78,000-square-foot Ockawamick School and its surrounding 22 acres in Claverack.

“This is writ large of something that’s happening in the art world: a new way of working,” said Kreps, who initiated the real estate hunt. He called it a move “toward collaboration” and away from working in one’s “own little silo.”

The property is outside Hudson, which has become a mini-Mecca for art and design, and joins a host of homegrown galleries and other contemporary art institutions in the region.

read the full article in The New York Times